197 (A) Haram st. Tawoon Station

Our Initiaives


A student activity at Cairo University where it train and recruit around
300 participants per year through the past 5 years.


– It is an initiative to prepare undergraduates and fresh graduates for the
labor market through a group of unique courses and workshops.

– We held 4 phases, in every phase we have trained & recruited up to 25 Persons.

قعدات السبت

– It is an online initiative, which is held every Saturday from 9 – 11 pm where we discuss different topics by ones of the most qualified trainers according to a previous discussion with its community. – We have held up to 60 sessions for the past year.

خميس الفرص

– We gather all job offers and opportunities in one post every Thursday to help
those who are searching for their desired job